Saturday, December 31, 2011

sambut menantu..

askum guys!
memule skali aq nak gtau..
aq tsgt bersyukur..
da settle mjlis sambt mnantu dkt umah aq..
huh!agk hilang penat aq walaupn esk aq dikerah utk mgems umah lak.. huh!
so far..xde mslh yg blaku(ade mslh gak but xmo la ckp.)
then.. aq nk ckp mekseh bebyk dkt bff aq yg dtg gak umah aq walaupn aq da rase nk majok skit cos ingt dorg xdtg..hehhehe..
then, mekaseh gak cte mcm2 dkt aq..hehhee..
nnnnn.. aq dpt adiah bday dr dorg..hehhehe..
nak upload gmbr..tenet poblem arr..
pape pn..
nanty la aq cecite ag at snie..

Friday, December 23, 2011

worst day ever!!

askum guys!
u know wat?? ary paling malu dlm idop aq ary nieh tleh pon blaku..huh!!
sengal tol la..huh!!
milk shake vanila telah tumpah hampir sparh dari bdn aq..
bau dye??
omg!masham kottttttt!!TIDAKKKKKK!
pastu yg si yaya plak dok mgenekn aq aje dlm kete..
sedh kottttt..huh!
k la.. no more mood..'

Sunday, December 18, 2011


askum hye guys!!

amcm ptg korg??okey?ade bgus x??

ary nieh aq agk kurg boshan cuz aq abes an mase dgn download lagu..hahahhha..

best lak..

pastu mak aq bwak blek buah maggis dr kg..

waaa..sgt2 sdp..byk gler aq makn tau x??


seyes lame xmkn tau x??aq plak agk pantg tgk buah2 msia nieh..


k la.. aq xtau nak taip ape ag..

esk aq smbg blek menaip k??


Saturday, November 26, 2011

majlis persandgan abgku.. :))

the cake.. yummy.. love it!!

me wit my sista-in-law..
chomell an??hehehhe..

all my sisters..

their picture.. :))

apiz and kak sue..

<3 <3 <3

aq mix kan gmbr tu..hehhee..pnikahan n psandgan..


hehhehe..slesai suda pnkahan n psndgan abg aq..


xsangke sgt dye da kawen..

sumpa..tgk dye mcm xkawen ag tau x??


to apiz..

tahniah..eya sentiase mdoakn yg terbaik tuk apiz..

to kak sue..

wlcme to my big family..hehehhe..


pape pn.. aq xtau nak ckp pe..esk nak blek kl da..

going to miss penang.. (ye ker??hahhaha..)
k la..babai..

Friday, November 25, 2011

pernikahan abg kesyganku.. :)))

apiz & kak sue

half of the hantarn dr pihak lelaki

dua jiwa menjadi satu.. :))

my sista-in-law k??hehhehe..

noor suhaila mohammed noor.. :)))

ok x kalo alya pkai mcm nieh??hehehhe..



abg aku nikah dgn kekasih aty nye..


majlis bt at jalan transfer,komtar,penang..

not too bad..and not too worst..

mcm ne 2??hehhehe..

to my sista-in-law..

welcme to my family..


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

diary cinta 2012

assalamualaikum wbt..

hye uollss..

ary nieh aq kuar pi jj wangse maju..

bkn pe..just temn adek beli brg..

then,ktorg gy mph bookstore..

(tempat paling2 aq gemar gy..hehhehe..)

then,aq ade beli 1 buku nieh@diary nieh..hehhe.. tau x??

diary nieh..ayat2 dye sgt2 puitis.. aq sgt2 suke..hehhehe..

kalo korg nak la beli..hehhehe..

tajok dye..


harge cume rm14.90 jep..hehhehe..

so,aq nak bagi korg slh 1 ayt dye yg aq suke..hehhehe..

"cinta sejati bukan cinta yang mengutamakan pelukan, ciuman, pertemuan! tetapi cinta sejati lebih mengutamakn pengabdian,kasih sayang dan perhatian"

so..jgn bercinta hanye krane nafsu smate2..cintai seseorg dgn ikhlas dan yg diredhoi oleh Nya..amin!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

ouran high school host club :)

haudee uollls..lame xupdated blog an??

bkn la..

ag pn..xde idea nk mgarut ape at blog nieh..

agpn, bkn ade org nk bc pon..btol x??


tau x nape aq letk gmbr2 katon di ats uh?? ngah bz tgk cte uh..

ouran high school host club..

sumpah..bleh ting tong tau x tgk cte nieh..hehhehe..


k la..pape story..ti text ag..

daaaa.. :)))

Monday, November 7, 2011


tau x nape aq letk gmbr abg aq n kakak ipar ksygan aq nieh??

sebenanye.. dorg bakal mendpt cahaye mate..yeay!!suke sgt2 kitorg tau x??hhehhe..

btambh2 ank buah aq k??hahahha..

insyaAllah ag 8buln..hehehhe.. coz td bru dorg gy check.. gler arr.. da 5minggu bru dpt tau..

super duper happy tau x??hehehhe..

excted kottt..hehehhe..

to abg az n kak jue..


smoge khadirn baby nieh,akn mnambhkn lagi kbahgiaan korg ber2.. amin!


excited nieh..hahhaha..


Thursday, October 20, 2011

guru tari.. :))

hello guys! lame seh xupdate blog..bkn pe..mlas la..
penat sgt.. :(( mcm2 hal yg garus aq lakukn..
kalh pm ok!!
last week gy ibadh camp..
sumpa sgt2 penat..
to didi.. cowiee..
gmbr kite pas at azira la ye??coz byk kott..hehhehe..
tenet lembab cam hanjeng je tau x??
ary nieh..
aq mgajr dak menari tarian india k???
(pandai ke alya menari??hahhhaha..) tapii..knyataan k!!
hhehehe..tok convo dorg nanty..hehehhehe..
aq jd guru tarian..hahahha.. :))))
k da xde idea nak 2lis pe..
nak smbg wat bp japp..hehhehehe..
adiosss.. :))

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

sakit ke aty?? :)))


sakt aty ke??lega??cuak??takut??


mmg sgt2 lega coz mdm xjd dtg observe..

4 xready tok ape2 skali kottt.. yeawwww..


dsbbkn aq bwk lappy at tadika..

aq gedik2 amek gmbr..

sgt2 dak kecik2 2 ckp..

"cikgu alya amek gambr.. :)))"

chomell la..hahhaha..

konon2 chomel la pandg tepi.. :P

saya pakai bj baru...
peace semua..
saya nampk sgt cute..hahhha..
perasn lebey ye alya!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

picts trip to malacca :)))

Saturday, October 1, 2011

mcm2 kerenah alya amira.. :))

hello guys! (oopps!mcm la ade org bc blog aq..hukhuk!!!)
ary kames ary tu aq da gy da melake..hmm..not too bad la gy sne..
tpppp.. aq xrase best coz aq tgk cekgu2 2 semua pndg menyamph jep ngan aq..
nak tau knape?? bgine crite dye ye.. :))
tour guide kami ade 4 org..semua lelaki..(bujang ag kottt..)
butt nieh bkn la nak mgade2 mlyn diam jep..butt..ble time past dgn kelompok tour guide kitorg..
niat aq time 2 satu jep!!kawal dak2 coz aq kne 2njuk baik dpn supervisor dgn mlayn dak2 uh..(hahhaha..niat jaht..!)dpn markh tok practical k??wajib amek aty..hahhaha..
tp..ckgu2 tu mungkin xsuke kott aq dok bjaln ngn dorg..
ag2 kbyakn nye cekgu2 2 semua mude ag n xkawen temsok la aq..hahhaha..
diorg cemburu pon xtau la..hehehhe..
mslhnye korg semua jln cam kure2 tgh betelor..agk2 la.. aq nieh bab2 nk jaln plahan xrety la..
nak laju2 coz aq bkn slalu dpt kuar dgn student2 ag..huh!! xde niat pon nk bt diorg jelous ke ape ke coz aq xheran la..
bkn kate jual murah atau mahal..cume aq dh ade bf aq sendri..
xkn smate2 tok org lain, aq tingglkn bf aq yg dh 7thn kami bersame..agk2 la derh!
ape la mslh cekgu2 2 semua..
mcm ne aq leh tau semua2 nieh??dorg pakat bt muke dkat aq ok!!eee!!nak muntah aq tau x??dgn prangai ngde2 dorg..tlg la..kalo dorg handsome sgt xpe la jugak..nie x..
mcm haram je k!!!
tp kalo korg nk sgt tour guide 2 bkn nak pon la..
eee..myamph tol aq..! naseb baek la ag 4minggu jep aq practicl at situ..
xtahn la.. org bt2 muke dpn kite..xtahn lorrr.. :((

then..jumaat uh.. i got call from mdm nabilah(dlu miss k??hahhaa.. :)))
dye tanye aq free x slase nieh(4/10) coz dye nak dtg observe..
omg!!da tekejot berok aq tau x??
x ready ag..
aq nie maty2 la ingt minggu ke6 atau ke7..
ha..amek kau..minggu ke4 aq da kne observe.. ble aq tanye dd,dye xdpt col ape2 ag..ayooo..takut derh!!
mcm ne nieh??
aq xde idea nak jr ape kat dak2 uh..
k la..mau out.. update my flickr!!hahahha..
lupe lak..
gmbr at mlake x upload ag dlm lappy..
nanty la..


Monday, September 26, 2011

logo n new fwenz.. :)))


logo tadika aq suda siap..


penat mate aq menahn tdo smate2..



bp x wat pape ag..omg!!


xpe..lame ag..hehehhe..

dd mesty da siap..hehhehe.. :)))

aq sgt pemals ye??

to myra ameer.. sory wak..kite xde fb or tweet la..

the only things that i have is blog..

my sweet ever heart..hehehhe..

thanx 4 the following..hehhehe..


n thanx alot jd kawn kite..



selesai suda mjlis kmerdekaan n kumpln aq mdpt tmpt ke3..


dak2 aq sgt la happy dpt hdiah..


wlaupn mcm xbrape nk sesuai jep kitprg meng..


xnk ckp byk..

aq 2njuk bebrape gmbr..



keadn yg nak hujan ketka mjlis berlngsung..


nieh la kumpuln aq..


hmpir semua nye idea aq..


keadn aq yg patot jd mc butt ckgu sal suoh aq handl dak2 n ckgu fiza yg jd mc..




aq mjadi pmbantu kpade syahmi..

angkt bendera..



peace!!!aq sgt leth ok!!

nsb bek ade adek aq amek an gmbr..yeay!!


aq sgt gemok k!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

raptai 4 merdeke!yeay!


waa..mcm xcye jep da minggu ke 3 aq practical..huh!

ary nieh ade raptai..gler penat tau x??kanak2 gler bisg..peng!!

so..dsbbkn aq nk teng an amek gmbr butt maintain memekak!!

check it out dee..

keadaan dak2 uh tgk movie tom n jerry!! >.<

asma,najihah, wanie wajihah n adam.. :))

as usual..syahmi n i!!yeay!! :)))

kami semua!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

beautiful life :))

haudee uolls!

hahahha..ary nieh aq happy sesgt coz dpt lyn bebdk aq nieh..

hahha.. even dorg gler bapk nakal tp bab2 amek gmbr..semua jd baek..hahhaa..

nie adlah gmbr2 yg aq amek time dorg sukan..hahha..

ni adlh gmbr2 dak2 tu.. afif,dayana,efiesya,danish,wardah n danil.. :))

ha!!tau x??nie la dak yg aq observed!muhammad syahmi..gler time nieh sbok men kaco tok amek gmbr..hahha..

but chomell la gmbr nieh.. i like!!hahhaha..


all the boys!!faizal,danil,danish,ahsan,daniel n shamel ilahi..

ha..ini kami semua..
hahha.. :)))
danil,daniel,hani,wafa,danish,nurin,shima,sharifa,usmawatih,farihah,efiesya, najihah n asma..
chayunk korg ketat2 tau..hehhehe..

ni adlh sepanduk yg awk wat sendri..amcm??ok x??
hehee..idea tetibe dtg nak wat sepanduk..
bende nieh nak kne gune ahd nie(25/9) coz ade smbtan kmerdekaan..
sumpah xlawa pe aq wat kot!!huh!
k la.. nk chaw dlu..
see ya!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

it's me la!!

assalamualaikum bloggie..
amcm tekejot x??nape aq bleh jdi x brape betol letk gmbr aq sendri ??
ha!ini krane aq ingt nak membebel tentang diri aq sendiry!!


name penoh aq yg telh diberikn oleh my older sis is noor alia amira bt. kamir..kwn2 aq memanggil aq al or alya..(actually name 'al' uh org gune coz dlu aq agk boyish n all my fwenz are boys!!yeaw!)

there's only men who called me amira!!sumpah weird gler dgr!!hahhaha..

aq dlahirkn pade 28 dec 1991 pada pkol 7.15mlm..(jgn lupe k??hahhaha)

aq sgt2 moody n lonely..y??bcoz aq xsuke nk bgaul ngan org since aq telh diberi amarn oleh si dye yg gler jeles!!oopps!

then,aq agk fussy sbnarnye bab2 mknan nieh.. nampk pelik or xrase mcm sedp,aq xakn mkn or tgk!!bleh muntah!!huh!

aq xleh nek bus or ape2 kendraan tlalu lame coz aq seorg yg pemabuk aircorn!!since dr kecik dlu!!

dlu,aq adlh anak yg sgt dmanjekn oleh arwah ayah aq!!yeah!!it's true!!my mom always told me about that!!but i always try to ignore it!! :"(((

aq sgt2 suke mbazir!y??

coz aq slalu beli brg yg aq xkn gune mcm bj terutamenye!!hahhaha..

mak aq slalu mbebl..n larg aq mbeli ape2 bkaitan bj!!hahhaha..

aq seorg peminat yg "kipas ssh maty'' dkt komik!!gler tlampau suke!!x tau mcm ne leh ter'addict' at comic!!hahahha..

nak djadikn crite.. i'm too fake to all ny friends,family n my love..y??

its too complicated!!it's true men!!

i'm too negative about my self!yeay!!didi(my bestie ever :))) always advice me to change all the negative things that i'm think at!!hahahha..

i always try to make others happy eventhough i'm not in a good mood!!huh!!

i love my family more than anything!!yeah!!

i also love my fwenz!!(didi,sukey,ayu,k.ika,k.izaty,k.sara n semua yg knal aq!!)

i'm so sooo in love with my boyfiee.. mohd isal bin baharudin..hehehhe..

my hobby is so borg!!y??bcoz i always do the same things everyday!!

gler suke menyanyi walaupn sore hampeh!!hahha..

xtau malu depn kuage aq sendri!!

aq sgt addict nk kurs but x kurus2!!

k la..buat mse nieh.. 2 je la dlu.. aq da bosn nk menaip n xkn ade org pon bc!!hahhaha

daaaaaa.. :)))

happy 54th birthday!!

u n lil sweetie,yaya

dear mother pn. nooraini mahad..

happy 54th birthday today...

u r the greatest things that Allah gave to us that we love most..

without u, our life is not complete!!

hope u always support us..

we love u so much..

no one ever can replace mak and ayah in our heart!

kamir n nooraini is our mir'ain forever..

i love u so much makkk..